Consumer Information - Packaging

Safe delivery

Naturally, you want your products to arrive safely and securely, so you may be interested to know how we pack the items we send you. The type of packing we use will depend on what you buy.

Pick, Pack and Send

If the items are not fragile, we send them in a plastic mailing bag, sometimes with just a little bit of bubble wrap (for you to pop later).

Breakable items are packed in single-walled or double-walled boxes. Our boxes are custom-designed and made from a high-grade card to avoid distortion. We fill the boxes with air pads or shredded recycled card to make sure your item is comfortably padded on each side and unable to move around in transit.

We make our air pads using special machines in our packing department. The machines whirr away all day, creating air pads in five different sizes so we can use the optimal size for each box.

All our shredded card comes from cardboard waste that we recycle on site. This not only means we reduce our impact on the environment but also makes for a very durable packing material.

Can we do better?

We work hard to ensure our packaging is both supportive and protective while also trying to keep down the level of fuss you will incur when unpacking the item and disposing of the waste. This is a delicate balancing act, but one we think we are quite good at.

If you would like to ask questions or comments on our packing, please contact our warehouse manager at We're always happy to help.